Angeli’s Newsletter
Angeli’s Podcast
How To Make It In Your Dharma

How To Make It In Your Dharma


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First try - sourdough baguettes - recipe here. So good btw!!!

Greetings everyone and welcome back! Some updates:

  1. I am offering my Releasing Limiting Beliefs e-book for FREE right now! Discover how to believe in yourself so that you can follow through with your dreams!

  2. Are you an empathic, spiritual woman who struggles to thrive in such a harsh world? I help spiritual women, aged 35-45, go from stuck, confused, burned out, and overwhelmed, to refreshed, inspired, abundant, and purposeful so that they can do what they came here to do - live an awesome life!! Book here for a FREE session!!!!

  3. E-books and e-courses! Discover how to trust yourself, believe in yourself, and create more income so that you can live the life of your dreams!

  4. Dream Journals! Discover how to gain clarity to life’s biggest questions in your sleep so that you can take powerful next steps in your life!

Last week, we talked about dharma, and this week, we are talking about making it in your dharma.

I was inspired by this book: The Right to Write by Julia Cameron. She has a whole chapter dedicated to writers about making it.

So often in creative professions and fields, we ask the question to ourselves and others: Will I make it? Or, are you gonna make it?

We don’t ask dentists, doctors, lawyers, or teachers if they’re gonna make it. It’s just assumed. If people in these fields love what they’re doing, we assume it will work. So why do we question this to the creatives and intuitives?

Likely because of conditioning and negative messaging. We grew up in a world where taking a chance on ourselves is scary and discouraged. There’s this notion that because certain fields might have certain steps lined up for them, creatives and intuitives wouldn’t be able to do the same.

But, there is a Law of Action, as part of the 12 Universal Laws. In the Law of Action, you have to take action to manifest what you want. Moving forward with action allows the universe to meet you halfway (because we are co-creating), and course-correct you if you took a misstep.

And of course, sometimes the action is non-action, we don’t want to forget that.

Either way, you are being guided. And, if you want to do something, and are willing to take the steps to move forward, the odds work for you, not against you.

So Julia Cameron’s advice is: “In order to be a writer, try writing!” Lol. And this can be applied to anything you love to do.

So often we jump to the outcome. But what about getting published? What about getting paid? We lose sight of the now when we jump to the end before we’ve gotten there. And then when we see what we haven’t done yet, we get discouraged and stop.

What if it was as simple as continuing the momentum of doing what you love? What if we can’t know the next steps until you take the first step?

What if the act of imagining what you want and continuing to work in that direction guaranteed that you would make it? What if we believed this?

Sometimes it’s as simple as committing to the action and then watching the synchronicities unfold. As Cameron says in the book, “We commit, then the universe commits. We are the cause, the Universe delivers the effect. We act internally and the Universe acts externally.”

And then sometimes we look outside ourselves for external validation. “If I was published I’d be a real writer.Do you know what makes a real writer? Someone who writes. Period.

Did you also know that self-publishing is a completely valid option? Julia Cameron’s best-selling book The Artists’s Way, began as a self-published manuscript.

When we wait for others to validate us or give us permission, we give away our power. But, we can take back that power when we give ourselves permission first.

We live in a world where you can start anything anytime. So what’s stopping you?

What you love to do is loved by others

It can’t not be. You were designed to help other people. What you have, someone else needs. So as much as we question, is someone willing to pay for this? The answer is …. yes!

So What Do We Do Now?

We commit - we decide we are going to *start* even if it’s not perfect. And then we share it. Even it’s not perfect.

Your passion becomes your purpose when you share it. Otherwise, it’s just a hobby. And no one else gets to enjoy your hobby, other than you. If no one gets to enjoy it, then no one pays you either.

I will also mention, when you share, you get better and better at what you do. Without even trying, you’ll grow and evolve and expand your creative depths. Because you love what you’re doing and you are gonna keep going back for more.

But What About My Family? They Don’t Like My Creative Ambitions

Families are like crabs in a bucket. When one crab tries to leave and escape out the bucket, the rest of the group will pull the crab back in.

This is for a variety of reasons, but namely due to the negative propaganda they’ve heard about creative fields that informed their beliefs about what you are doing. Yes, Edgar Allan Poe was apparently poor when he died, but maybe that’s due to his untreated alcoholism. Did we stop to think about that?

So trust me, I know. My parents don’t like that I left healthcare, but I had to. You wanna know why?

Because pursuing my joy for the sake of my joy matters more to me than working outside my dharma and feeling unhappy about it.

Doctors love to heal, engineers love to fix things and make them better, lawyers love to advocate. And guess what - energy healers love to heal too, writers love to write, bakers love to bake, coaches love to coach.

Story Time

I’ll tell you a quick story. I am getting certified In The Emotion Code - it’s an energy healing modality that helps release trapped emotions and inherited trapped emotions in the body easily and effortlessly.

Right now, I’m practicing on other people to get my certification done. I made a list of 15 people I’d ask. As soon I started, I was receiving recommendations from the people I know for other people and animals I don’t know who needed my help. So then I started working on them. And sure, this all for free. But they are pleasantly surprised by what I’m finding and reaping the benefits of the healing.

I would have never met these new people had I not started reaching out to people I already know for the opportunity for energy healing. This is the universe meeting me halfway. It is pleasantly surprising. And this can be possible for you too.


Whenever you find yourself questioning your abilities, your talents, or if you’ll make it - remember - if you can imagine it, it’s done. If it’s in your heart and is a true desire, it will manifest.

Your job is to start, continue, and feel happy about it.

I hope this post was of service to you in some way! Please let me know in the comments! Do you struggle with starting or continuing towards your dreams?

Sending so much love!


“Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do - begin it. For action has magic grace and power in it.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Geothe

Thanks for reading!!!! Please feel free to share :)


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Angeli’s Newsletter
Angeli’s Podcast
Spirituality, Self-development, Inspiration. Made with love.