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Acknowledgement: A Soul's Trait

Acknowledgement: A Soul's Trait

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Today we are going to talk about acknowledgement. I was inspired to talk about this from this book: Everything Is Here To Help You by Matt Kahn (highly recommend!)

This book is all about transitioning from ego, the lower vibrational way of being, and what he describes as the soul’s dormant consciousness, to soul, the highest expression of who we really are.

One of the key traits of being in your soul is acknowledgement. The ego likes to react, resist, distract, and defend against.  The ego can be really disrespectful, and even close-minded.

The soul, in its efforts to respond, uses acknowledgement to give respect to things in the exact way that they are, even if that way is frustrating, painful, or inconvenient to the ego.

A great example of when we learn acknowledgement is through relationships.

When we are treated disrespectfully by someone, this is a grand opportunity to acknowledge the pain, distress, anger, sadness, or hurt that has been generated. In a state of acknowledgement, we are giving ourselves and the other party an opportunity to expand and transcend, as an eventuality.  

In contrast, the ego would try to deny the pain or distract with instant pleasure such as food, alcohol, drugs, social media, shopping, drama, unhealthy relationships, etc.

Healthy vs. Conditional Acknowledgement

Awareness is the first step of when the soul enters a situation. Awareness can lead to healthy acknowledgement, where we take note of what has happened as an opportunity to deepen our compassion, empathy, and discernment towards others.

But many times we feel the need to educate the other party on their disrespectful behavior, as a means to “let them see the light” of their unconscious behavior.

The problem is, when our acknowledgement becomes predicated on another’s acceptance of our perceived assessment of their behavior, we are giving our power away, because we are waiting for their experience to change so that we can change.  That would be conditional acknowledgement.

Again, healthy acknowledgement would encompass values of the soul to include compassion, empathy, and discernment.

Disrespect Means the Soul is Transforming

When someone acts in a disrespectful way, what if we saw that as the way their soul is communicating how much pressure they are undergoing to change and evolve? Maybe they are not even aware that they are in a transformational phase of life, which is why they are unable to communicate respectfully.

Further, what their soul is essentially doing is apologizing because it does not have the means to show up in a way that we are desiring, as it is undergoing the process of evolution in real time. 

Many of us have been through spiritual awakenings and ensuing initiations. We know how much pressure we are under to change during those trying life transitions.

When we are hurt by the way others have acted, it is a sign that their soul needs space to know themselves beyond the ego and integrate the deeper shadows.

As Kahn says in the book, “If someone is meant to interact in a way that is mutually beneficial for the evolution of both souls, their conduct will be open, honest, and respectful.”

If someone is distracted or triggered by our light, rather than soothed or expanded by it, this behavior lets us know how much space is required. If they continually show up like this, it might be a sign that a relationship has run its course. 

This is a really empowering way to relate, as it not only helps us take other’s behaviors much less personally, but it also helps us to use our own discernment on what types of interactions are really mutually beneficial.

In the old paradigm, we would simply tiptoe around others’ abusive behavior in order to “accept them as they are” or even to “keep the peace.”

But in the new spiritual paradigm, we realize that our awareness and acknowledgement is meant to be medicine for others. If they are not soothed by our wisdom and gifts, they are just not ready to receive our medicine right now.

And even if they had questions about your presence, healing gifts, or what you are offering in that moment, they would ask questions in way that is open and curious, and they would receive our wisdom openly and with gratitude.

If they ask questions that don’t inspire our deepest wisdom, or if they ask questions and our wise answers don't seem to satisfy them, it is a sign that they are simply not ready to take on new ideas, perspectives, or concepts. And that’s okay too. 

Sometimes we want to tell them so badly what we see (any visionaries in the group?) or feel or know to be true. Sometimes we want to share what worked for us because we’re so excited about it.

Story Time

Many years ago, I made this mistake. I had a friend who was in between boyfriends. So naturally without “someone to love”, she’d come to me and unload her problems. I kept telling her maybe she should try meditation instead. Before our eventual break-up, she was angry at me for suggesting meditation so many times. 

I’ve found meditation to be helpful, because I feel it garners insight, self-awareness, self-soothing, and spiritual breakthroughs. It’s space for you to see what comes up, whether it’s thoughts, feelings, sensations, or storylines. It allows you to see yourself, acknowledge where you are at, transform, and surrender to the divine.

However, her anger at me was her soul’s way of telling me that she needed more time and space to be with herself in a way that made sense to her. Perhaps not with meditation. Perhaps with some other modality.

I now have a greater awareness and discernment of waiting to share my insights with others until I’ve received the signs that one is ready to hear me. And I’m happy to wait for the right moment to get all excited and share. It’s worth the wait.

Old vs. New Spiritual Paradigm

In the old paradigm, we think that doing more or working harder gets results. In the new paradigm, we come from a place of respect and acknowledgement for what’s being presented to us, moment by moment. We remain open to the signs that others are ready to receive our light without having to overwork so that they can see what we see.

The universe constantly sends us signs, and when we take the time to acknowledge, understand, and decode them, we can live satisfying and fulfilling lives, evolve, and transform life’s trying scenarios into mutually beneficial situations.

Thanks for reading/listening and have a great week!



“When you acknowledge everything you love, you begin to love everything you acknowledge." ~ Matt Kahn

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Spirituality, Self-development, Inspiration. Made with love.